Collocation theo chủ đề

  • Collocation: Môi trường

Environmental pollution: sự ô nhiễm môi trường

Environmental pollution is one of the greatest problems that the world is facing today.

Air quality: chất lượng không khí

The air quality in Hanoi has gone down because of exhaust fumes from vehicles.

To become extinct: tuyệt chủng

Many animal species have become extinct due to massive deforestation in the past decades.

Climate change: Sự thay đổi khí hậu

Climate change is one result of global warming.

Greenhouse effect: hiệu ứng nhà kính

They claim that the floods are a result of the greenhouse effect.

Environmentally friendly: thân thiện với môi trường

Environmentally friendly paper bags are now widely used in many supermarkets.

Fossil fuels: nhiên liệu hóa thạch

In recent times, agriculture has become a major fossil fuel energy user.

Heavy industry: ngành công nghiệp nặng

Recent years have seen a decline in heavy industry in the US and the UK.

The ozone layer: tầng ô-zôn

The Earth’s ozone layer helps to protect living species from excessive ultraviolet radiations.

Wildlife conservation: sự bảo vệ thiên nhiên

The zoo has programs for research, environmental education, and wildlife conservation.

Raise someone’s awareness of sth: Nâng cao ý thức về gì đó

It’s important to raise the public’s awareness of local environmental issues

Cần nâng cao nhận thức cộng đồng về các vấn đề môi trường địa phương.

Household waste: Giảm thiểu rác sinh hoạt

We should try to reduce as much household waste as possible

Chúng ta nên cố gắng giảm thiểu rác thải sinh hoạt nhiều nhất có thể.

Energy-efficient: Tiết kiệm năng lượng

We should switch to energy-efficient lighting options.

Chúng ta nên chuyển sang các loại đèn điện tiết kiệm năng lượng

  • Collocations: Family

Family background: nền tảng/ hoàn cảnh gia đình

Many people are interested in their family background.

Family bonds: sự gắn kết/ tình cảm gia đình

Family bonds are now being weakened in accordance with the development of technology.

The primary breadwinner: trụ cột chính (trong gia đình)

His father is the primary breadwinner in the family.

To bring up/ raise/ nurture children: Nuôi nấng/ chăm sóc con

Both mother and father should take responsibilities to raise their children.

To lack of parental support: thiếu sự hỗ trợ/ ủng hộ từ cha mẹ

Children who lack of parental support tend to

To negatively affect children’s long-term mental health: ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới sức khỏe tâm lý lâu dài của trẻ

It is surveyed that early childhood abusement will negatively affect children’s long-term mental health.

To strengthen/ Weaken family relationships/ family bonds: củng cố/ làm suy yếu tình cảm gia đình

They usually organize get together party to strengthen their family relationship.

  • Collocations: Health

To reduce one’s stress levels: giảm mức độ căng thẳng

Listening to classical music can help reduce your stress levels.

To build up resistance to disease: tăng cường sức đề kháng bệnh

Eating fruits and vegetable would build up children’s resistance to disease.

To go on a diet: ăn kiêng

Youngsters tend to go on diet occasionally to keep fit.

To make a full recovery: hồi phục hoàn toàn

Fortunately, the man has made a full recovery from heart stroke.

Side effects: tác dụng phụ

Doctors sometimes cannot fully predict all side effects of several medicines.

To have a balanced diet: có chế độ ăn uống cân bằng

It is essential for children to have a balanced diet for a healthy growth.

To be overweight:thừa cân

Being overweight since young ages can lead to many serious health problems on growing up.

To alleviate (the) pain/symptoms: giảm đau/giảm triệu chứng

Painkillers are used widely to alleviate the pain but they are not recommended because of their side effects.

  • Collocations: Art

Appeal to an audience: Thu hút một đối tượng khán giả

Digital art often appeals to younger audiences.

Nghệ thuật kĩ thuật số thường thu hút khán giả trẻ.

Performance art: Nghệ thuật trình diễn

Performance art is my favorite because I enjoy watching artists performing live.

Mình thấy nghệ thuật trình diễn hay nhất vì mình thích xem nghệ sĩ biểu diễn trực tiếp.

Artistically inclined: Năng khiếu nghệ thuật

The school is full of artistically inclined students.

Trường này có nhiều học sinh có năng khiếu nghệ thuật.

To exceed one’s expectations: vượt quá mong đợi

The art exhibition exceeded my expectations.

Buổi triển lãm nghệ thuật vượt quá mong đợi của tôi.

Standing ovation: hoan nghênh

The performance deserves a standing ovation.

Màn trình diễn xứng đáng được hoan nghênh nhiệt liệt.

To be in awe: kinh ngạc

The movie star left me in awe when I saw him.

Ngôi sao điện ảnh khiến tôi kinh ngạc khi nhìn thấy anh ấy.

  • Collocations: Museums

Every so often = thỉnh thoảng

In-depth knowledge about sth = kiến thức chuyên sâu về thứ gì

Visual literacy = hiểu biết về thị giác

Sample questions:

– Do you like visiting museums?

– What do you learn from visiting museums?

  • Collocations: Shopping

To take pleasure in sth/doing sth = thích làm gì

To gravitate towards sth = có xu hướng thích gì, bị hấp dẫn bởi thứ gì

Sample questions:

– Do you enjoy shopping?

– What are your favorite stores?

  • Collocations: Weekends

To laze around = thư giãn, không làm gì nhiều

A nine-to-five job = công việc hành chính

to wind down = thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi

Sample questions:

– What do you usually do at weekends?

– Do you think it’s important to make the most of your weekends?

  • Collocations: Morning routine

An early riser = an early bird = người hay thức dậy sớm

Sleep quality = chất lượng giấc ngủ

Sample questions:

– Do you like getting up early?

– What are the benefits of getting up early?

  • Collocations: Home

Apartment complex = khu chung cư căn hộ

A gated community = khu đô thị khép kín

A sense of community = ý thức cộng đồng

Sample questions (Part 1)

– Do you live in a house or an apartment?

– What do you enjoy most about your place?

  • Collocations: Celebrating birthdays

To throw a party = tổ chức 1 buổi tiệc

Personal preference = sở thích cá nhân

Sample questions:

– Do you like celebrating your birthday?

– Is it important to celebrate birthdays?

  • Collocations: New activities

To be involved in sth / To engage in sth = tham gia vào 1 hoạt động nào đó

To show somebody the ropes = dạy ai đó làm thứ gì

Sample questions:

– Do you like to try new activities? Why?

– Do you like to try new activities alone or with your friends?

  • Collocations: Newspapers and magazines

Target audience = đối tượng khán giả, người đọc hướng tới

To be in the know about sth = được cập nhật, hiểu biết về vấn đề gì

Sample questions:

– Do you prefer to read newspaper or magazines?

– What kind of news do you like to read about?